Then You Spoiled Me

Kat created a neat little song about getting an unrequested spoiler (a complete solution) instead of a hint while playing any Sierra game. It is written to the lyrics of the “Then You Look at Me” song by Celine Dion.


Laugh and cry,
Live and die,
Life is a game we are playing.
Day by day, we find our way,
Look for the end of the game.

Then you spoil me
And I just can’t see
Why you would ruin the game for me.
I’m very angry,
That you spoiled me,
And now I can’t find out for myself.

Play the game from sun to sun,
Caught in this game trying to solve it.
Once begun, game goes till it’s done
And now I’m stuck in this scene.

Then you spoil me,
And I thank thee
For taking the time to help me.
I was lost as could be,
Then you spoiled me,
And I am not lost anymore.

Then you spoiled me,
And I thanked thee
For taking the time to help me.
I was lost as could be,
Then you spoiled me,
And I am not lost anymore.