KQ5 Point List


take silver coin = 2
buy custard pie = 2
take rotting fish = 2
throw fish at bear = 4
take honeycomb = 2
take stick = 2
throw stick at dog = 4
take gold needle = 2
drink at oasis = 2
find temple = 3
see bandits at temple = 2
find bandits’ camp = 3
take staff = 2
open temple door = 2
take brass bottle = 2
take gold coin = 2
take old boot = 2
give coin to gypsy = 3
get amulet = 2
enter dark forest = 2
give witch brass bottle = 4
take emerald pouch = 2
take spinning wheel = 2
take gold key = 2
unlock tree door = 3
take golden heart = 2
squeeze honey = 4
throw 3 emeralds = 6
follow elf out = 2
get shoes = 2
give willow heart = 4
take harp = 2
get marionette = 4
throw boot at cat = 4
get blue cloak = 4
get red sled = 4
get hammer = 4
take rope = 2
hit lock with hammer = 4
take leg of lamb = 2
take tambourine = 2
scare snake = 3
wear cloak = 4
use rope to climb = 5
climb up cliff = 2
eat half of lamb = 4
cross chasm = 5
give eagle lamb = 3
get captured = 2
play harp for Icebella = 4
throw pie at yeti = 4
get crystal = 4
get captured by Roc = 2
take gold locket =2
take iron bar = 2
plug hole in boat = 5
find Harpies’ island = 3
play harp for Harpies = 4
take fishhook = 2
take conch shell = 2
take injured Cedric = 3
give hermit shell = 4
crash on Mordack’s island = 3
take dead fish = 2
damage serpent statues = 5
pry open grate = 4
play tambourine for Dink = 3
take hairpin = 2
unlock maze door = 4
take pea bag = 2
give Cassima locket = 4
get thrown in dungeon = 2
take cheese = 4
throw peas at monster = 3
bag Manannan = 2
read magic book = 3
take Mordack’s wand = 3
put 2 wands on machine = 8
put cheese in machine = 5
use Crispin’s wand = 4
become a tiger = 4
become a rabbit = 4
become a mongoose = 4
make rain = 4