Living With Manannan

Gwydion III created this little poem about Gwydion’s life with Manannan in King’s Quest 3.


From the mountain top I gaze,
At the land, all grey with haze,
I live up here with Manannan,
Whose power is a roaring blaze.

I am a slave to Manannan,
A servent for to place his work on,
He barely gives me what I need,
I have one set of clothes to don.

I’ve cleaned and cooked and swept and fed,
While he lays there on his bed,
If I could find the perfect time,
Than Manannan would soon be dead.

I feel a cold and chilly breeze,
I should go in before I freeze,
For if Manannan should find me here,
He’d beat me to my knees.

If just the perfect chance should meet,
I’d cast a spell, cast it with heat,
I would not have a lot of time,
But Manannan, I will defeat.