KQ1 Original Point List
Preferred methods (*) are usually nonviolent and/or more imaginative.
enter castle = 1
bow to king = 3
take carrot = 2
talk to elf (ring) = 3
take pebbles = 1
take walnut = 3
open walnut = 3
climb oak tree = 2
take golden egg = 6
move rock = 2
take dagger = 5
look in stump = 1
take pouch = 3
look in pouch = 3
take witch’s note = 2
read note = 1
push witch into pot = 7
open cupboard = 2
take cheese = 2 eat witch’s house = 2
take bowl = 3
look in bowl = 1
fill bowl = 0
give filled bowl = 3
take fiddle = 3
cut well’s rope = 2
climb rope = 1
fill bucket = 2
dive = 2
enter dragon’s cave = 1
throw water = 5*
kill dragon = -2
take magic mirror = 8
swim up well (no kill) = 4*
swim up well (did kill) = 2
follow dragon out = 0
take clover = 2
fly with condor = 3 take mushroom = 1
give rat cheese = 2
play fiddle = 3
take magic shield = 8
take scepter = 6
eat mushroom = 2
exit tiny hole = 1
show goat carrot = 5
show goat troll = 4
guess right name = 5 max*
get beans = 4*
get gold key = 3
plant beans = 2
take slingshot = 2
kill giant = 2
wait for giant to sleep = 7*
take magic chest = 8
enter castle = 1
bow to king = 3