Ali’s Bookstore
Hello and welcome to Ali’s Sierra Games Bookstore! For Ali’s move from the Land of the Green Isles to Sierra Planet, he has decided to expand his store to include other Sierra books besides King’s Quest. Also, he has expanded his tiny bookstore on the Castle of the Crown to include old Sierra game magazines, comics, and game catalogs as nostalgic items. If you have a classic and/or adventure Sierra book, newsletter, catalog, etc. that is not listed here, please e-mail Ali’s bookkeeper Kat since Ali is always looking for more items to fill his shelves.
Sierra Game Books Ali has tons of rare Sierra game books here. Right now, the shelves house 49 Sierra books.
Sierra Game Magazines Remember the Sierra Newsletter or InterAction Magazine? Oh nostalgia!
Sierra Game Catalogs Sierra’s game catalogs are great reminders of when we all could still buy these games
Sierra Game Comics Several of Sierra’s games have had special comic book stories made just for them.