King’s Quest 4 Game Goodies

King’s Quest 4 Easter Eggs

There are several easter eggs in King’s Quest 4 that you can check out!

  • There is a bottle inside the whale with a note inside that has several interesting messages on it from frustrated Sierra game players.
  • This game contains about thirty fairy tale characters. Can you identify them all?
  • Wear the crown in the swamp to see something funny, but just remember to save before doing it!
  • Near the end of the game in Lolotte’s castle, get captured by one of the goons. Wedding bells I hear? Save before doing this!
  • When Lolotte dies, she cries, “I am melting!” Hmm. I wonder if she knew the wicked witch from the Wizard of Oz?
  • At any point during the game, type in the word CRAP to get a funny response. — Templeton (4-14-1999)
  • When you enter the storage room to retrieve the hen and Pandora’s box, listen to the music. Why, this is the music of Astro Chicken from Space Quest 3! — Templeton (1-9-2000)
  • After you kill Lolotte, go to the hallway outside the prison cell, then type BEAM ME. You get teleported to a room with a bunch of Sierra employees! This only works for the AGI version of the game — Domen (5-16-1999)Since most people are not lucky enough to ever have owned or even seen the AGI version of King’s Quest 4, click here for a picture and description of what this cool easter egg actually is.
  • At the beginning of the game at the password screen, type CTRL + D and then PIRATE at the prompt. Either a message with the image of a pirate appears, or a message with a treasure chest of floppy diskettes. Pirate music, possibly from King’s Quest 3, is heard in the background. This only works for the AGI version of the game. — Sierra Archives (10-20-2001)Since most people are not lucky enough to ever have owned or even seen the AGI version of King’s Quest 4, click here for a picture and description of what this cool easter egg actually is.

King’s Quest 4 Things To Do Just For Fun

Here are some interesting things that you can do in the game just for fun! Many of them contain funny responses.

  • Play with the rattle and with the toy horse. Try to ride the old rocking horse in the nursery, too! Hmm … don’t you feel a little childish?! — Templeton (1-9-2000)
  • Try to eat the worm, the hen, and the dead fish for some funny responses!
  • When you see the ogre’s wife walking in the house with a deer try to take the deer! — Richard (2-12-2000)
  • Any time during the game type SMILE or LAUGH for a funny response! — Richard (2-12-2000)
  • Any time during the game type UNDRESS for a funny response! — Yanay (3-26-2000)
  • During the daytime, type in LOOK AT MOON and see the strange response the game gives! — Haley (7-25-2000)
  • Go to the fisherman’s hut at night and knock at the door. How rude of you! — Templeton (10-3-2002)
  • Talk to the parrot on Gesesta’s island. — Templeton (10-3-2002)
  • When the goons approach Rosella outside Lolotte’s castle, type KISS or HUG GOON. — Thomas (11-8-2004)

King’s Quest 4 Death List

Agent56 has spent a lot of time figuring out as many ways to get Rosella to die in this game! See if you have tried all the ways to get her to expire. Muahaha! Click here to load the death list.

King’s Quest 4 Cheat Codes

There is a debug mode this game, and you can do some very interesting and strange stuff with it!! I only suggest the debug mode for players who have already finished the game and want to just look around. To start the debug mode, press both of the SHIFT keys on your keyboard at the same time. Then add the MINUS SIGN (-) button on the numeric keypad. It may take some finger stretching. A funky programmer’s window should show up. To exit the debug mode, press SHIFT + D. Type the letter G and:

  • Type the number 13 and the current room number will show. All King’s Quest 4 screens are assigned a different room number. Change this number, exit the debug mode, and you will be transported to a new game screen.
  • Type the number 15 and the current number of points will show. Change the number, exit the debug mode, save and restore your game, and your game’s current point total will be changed.
  • Type the number 16 and the current number of maximum points will show. It should be 158. Change the number, exit the debug mode, save and restore your game, and your game’s maximum points will be change. You can have something like 35 out of 9999 points!!
  • To get an inventory item that Rosella does not own yet using this debug mode, type the letter I instead of the letter G to get into the Inspect window. Type Inv to start the inventory window. Type C to start the collection. Press ENTER until you come to an item you want. Type E to start the edit mode. Type owner, and a number should appear. Erase it and type ego. — Chris (5-23-1999)

King’s Quest 4 Curiosities

If you have played King’s Quest 4, you may have noticed some strange and interesting things that really do not have much to do with the main plot. We definitely have noticed some and decided to post them on this website. Click here to load the curiosities.

King’s Quest 4 Downloadable Files

There is a UHS hint file you can use if you have a UHS Reader.

Unused Resource Screens

Akril and Collector over at The Sierra Help Pages forum found some screenshots in the KQ4 resource files of Genesta’s castle at night that never actually appeared in the game. Click to enlarge!