KQ:MoE Map of Daventry

MoE Daventry Map

MoE Daventry Map


1 Sarah’s House 13 Alchemist’s Shop
2 Connor’s House 14 Local Tavern
3 Pig Pen 15 Daventry Keep
4 Simm’s House 16 Unicorn Pond
5 Mausoleum 17 Sir James Tomb
6 Graveyard 18 Zombie Path
7 Church 19 Boulder Blockage
8 Wizard & Raven 20 Waterfall Tower
9 Farm Stand 21 Kavanagh’s House
10 Mill House 22 Covered Bridge
11 Wizard’s Island 23 Windmill House
12 Water Fountain 24 Stone Overlook


Below are some other points of interest:

  • The wizard [8] has some extra useful things to give Connor.
  • The spriggan in the graveyard [6] has a nice crossbow. You can kill him from the roof of the mausoleum if you jump to it from the cliff just to the right of it.
  • There is something hidden to the normal eye in the wizard’s house [11].
  • The unicorn-beast [16] has a lot to say, especially about the waterfall [20].
  • The locked door in Daventry Keep [15] has a key in Daventry Castle [20].
  • The portal to leave Daventry into the Dimension of Death is in the Mausoleum [5].
  • There are no rocks or other mask pieces in the Daventry.